Duelists!! Sleeve up your favorite copy of Caius the Shadow Monarch and join us for a trip back in time to the last Shonen Jump Championship in Edison New Jersey! Knights Arena in collaboration with OPTML will be hosting a 64-man capped tournament at the Knights Forge Valorant LAN party on September 23rd, 2023
Entry Fee – $20
We will be playing under the rules and regulations from that tournament in 2010. For more information on the legal and available cards check these links:
Register for the Event Here
First place will win a piece of HyperX gear and a sealed Stardust Overdrive Booster box (500-600 USD); a relevant set at the time!
Second Place will also receive some HyperX gear, but also 2 boxes of Yu-Gi-Oh!’s latest core booster set, Duelist Nexus. In addition to that they will also receive a full case of the 2021 Tin of Ancient Battles!
3rd and 4th place will both receive a Yu-Gi-Oh!’s latest core booster set, Duelist Nexus, and a HyperX gaming mouse and mousepad.

Starting time : 2 PM
Pre-Registration will be online. There is a strict cap of 64 players. If pre-registration fills there will NOT be tickets at the gate.
There will be 6 rounds of Swiss and a cut to Top 8.
This event will be live-streamed at twitch.tv/nyhmnim